Well kids, I'm back from my Disney cruise with the Faulconer family. Boy was that fun! I didn't even get sea sick, although those seas were pretty rough Monday night.
The Faulconer's were nice people and only took me to places where they new I would be safe. Yeah, I would have liked to play with the dolphin's in Nassau and seen Castaway Cay in person. But Traci knew that if she took me to these places there could be a chance that I might dirty my beautiful tropical outfit or get sand in places where I wouldn't really want sand, so that was good thinking on her part.
I was kind of getting tired of being in that plastic bag just waiting to join the Faulconer's on their WDW and Disney cruise. So that first night that Traci had me, she decided to take me outside her nice hotel room at Saratoga Springs to sit and enjoy the night while she smoked. Seems like I got to sit on this bench more than just once. ;-)
That next night, little did I know but the Faulconer's got to go to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party at the Magic Kingdom and left me home with this T-shirt on. Honestly, I would have liked to go to that party, but at least little Dexter shared some of his Halloween treats with me.
Even that next day when they had their friend Tom come and swim and have drinks by the pool at Saratoga, they didn't have me come with them. Again I was kind of sad, but I knew they were just thinking of me and they didn't want me too sunburned when it was time for the cruise.
So that night, I watched as they packed me into that plastic bag and packed me in their suitcases to get ready to board the Cruise bus the next morning to head over to their ship. I was a little afraid in that suitcase by myself, but soon I was rejoined by them and they even let me pick the schedule of what we would do that first full day at sea.

I'll tell you, I have never in my monkey life seen a boat this big!! I just knew I had to check everything out, have drinks in the lounge and I even got to meet the Big Cheese and his gal pal!! I think Minnie may have been a bit jealous that I had a tiara and she didn't.

Traci kind of wanted a family picture with me, Perry, Dexter & Minnie, but Perry wasn't too happy about that, so she didn't end up buying the professional copy of this picture, even though I thought it was cute.

I even got to have dinner with the Faulconer's and boy was that food great!!

On Tuesday night they had a huge pirate party with a show, free pirate bandanas to wear and then fireworks from the boat. Again Traci was afraid I might get dirty or hit on by some drunk pirate, so she kept me in the room. I was there in spirit though.

Needless to say, it was probably not a good thing that they left me in the room, because their room attendant (Kerri) thought it would be funny to hang me up along side their silly towel monkey. I mean really...animals made from towels??
At least when the Faulconer's found me in this situation, they took me down immediately and let me sleep in the queen bed that night all by myself.
All in all, it was the best cruise vacation ever! Disney really does everything perfect for their guests. And now I am off to Las Vegas to meet a sweet British couple.
I love my life!!
P.S. Don't tell the Faulconers, but their really nice room attendant felt bad after the hanger thing and gave me tons of those chocolate mints and I ate them all!!
Wow, I want to be a sock monkey!!! What a life Tj has. Great shots of you and the big cheese!! Great trip!!!
LOL - I love the towel monkey and TJ hanging on hangers. Hilarious!
Towel animals... Pffftt.. When you can have a sock. :)
I like the hanging out with the towel funny
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